How can you keep boredom at bay during for long hours as a night security guard in an underground facility
The times are challenging. In the new gig economy is something I am finding hard to navigate the same way as I was before. I was doing very well, before pandemic struck however, now in addition to my primary position as a dental assistant, i need to take on a night-time job as a security guard in the nearby manufacturing plant for machines. It's almost completely automated. Workers are employed throughout the day as I and two engineers make up the night crew. I have an emergency number to call in the event of an accident or when machinery stops functioning. Then , I contact engineers or dial outside to get more engineers. I'm not actually doing anything. In reality, there is nothing of value in this case. Night guards are really simply an attendant on a switchboard.
It is quiet and peaceful, which I find quite enjoyable. It's peaceful, I have difficulty sleeping through the night because of too much gas release however here it's not a problem. The nights can be quite monotonous so I always try new things to make them pass more quickly. I've been spending the last two weeks perfecting the dance that I saw in Tik Tok. Although it's not difficult it's very difficult for me to recreate it. It was created by young Tik Tok girl. I'm not old enough to be able to describe the dance.
Recently, I've been playing with various videos on fixing your car. I'm not able to immediately apply them to my car, but I enjoy watching other drivers transform their cars into something that is invincible. DIY videos can be just as instructive and simple. Another problem came up. Internet stopped working on my phone eventually. I couldn't access any video or any other activity since, as we know, internet is essential to everything. I was capable of downloading Youtube videos and then save them on my smartphone. I was able to watch DIY videos even when the internet went down. It makes no difference, you still watching on your phone, regardless of whether you streaming it from an online site or on the internet, or download video at home, and then watch it off your phone when you don't have internet connection or wifi. It's as simple as DVR for your online videos, not just TV shows.

In the realm of television, to my absolute delight, I have figured out how to download the latest episodes and even movies directly to my laptop. Since my laptop has a larger screen and more powerful speakers, I've taken it to work. I signed up with HULU as well as Netflix. save from youtube Both let you download their apps and mark the video for downloading. In the space of a few hours, depending on how long the program is and the quality settings you selected, the video will be downloaded to your device and you will be able to stream it at any time, whether you have internet access or not. It will take you about 15 minutes to watch television however it also allows you to catch up on any episodes that you have missed last night.
To make my time flow faster, I can find lots of educational and enjoyable materials I can print at home. Youtube's webinars on different strategies for self-improvement are excellent. But I find it difficult to comprehend the concepts that they cover in a one hour video. What am I talking about... You'll be able to see what I'm saying.
Sometimes, I bring my son to work along with me. This is due to the fact that my wife does her night shift, which makes it hard for us to be home with our child. So I pack him in and set him up in front of my computer screen and within minutes he's sleeping. But when he wakes and I hand him my laptop and a few of those freshly downloaded music videos. And as he is watching all those talented young musicians do their weird stuff on screen and he's happy. I am happy to continue doing my thing via the phone.. Doing our own thing is what helps us work together. It's possible he loves being to my house. Perhaps because he tends to stay in bed late at night.