Don't forget your tablet and smartphone, as well as your laptop while camping with your children.
It's something I've learned the hard-way. My mother has been a constant supporter throughout the week in encouraging me to plan and remember this. My excitement at going on my first ever camping trip, with my children and grandkids was the only thing I shared with my mom. Today, she's everywhere, offering advice and suggestions regarding every possible scenario. I am not averse to my mom's talking. Even listening to her lectures can make things uncomfortable. So I tried to wrap it all up faster than I should. This was a mistake. I discovered it the hard way.

We left in our car to drive the car all up to the campsite. I was trying to do the same kind of camping experience that I had with my father back in the days and so I picked one of the more remote places which, as it turned out later, was in a big no-service area. The smartphones we were using were not working which meant we were with no other campers. I'm sorry. I was hoping for an amazing time off work.. 3 days in the wilderness, with nature.. Within 24 hours of the camping trip and we were returning to the car.
What did you do? What happened? I had a laptop and couple of online games. The laptop didn't make it out of my backpack. I had a beautiful backdrop set up to see my projector, which I carried to create large-screen effects videos. There was no Internet connection to Hulu, Netflix, or Disney+. Their only desire was to check their messages, their emails and keep track of their things at school, etc. I was sick of it and took the car to the return journey. My children created sounds that sounded like piglets in a pigsty eating delicious food. I do love my kids. It was embarrassing. They gasped and mooaned when their phones began to ring and announcing the arrival of texts.
Since then, my planning and preparations have improved , and I now try to avoid getting stuck in an area that doesn't have internet access. This time, we took a long boat ride to get to our destination, there I needed my new best buddies - two tablets and laptops that were filled with Hulu offline videos on one tablet, Netflix films and TV shows on the other, and laptop has all the music videos, music and large movies that I've downloaded for later watching with both Hulu and Netflix apps that are available through the Windows app store. I have approximately 600 hours of content to watch, including all of the South Park, Friends, and Will & Grace seasons.
I have many funny videos for children. I downloaded a few YouTube music videos, and then converted them to MP3 and MP4 formats. I utilized this application to download a few videos. It allows me to save the video to my laptop and I can watch it offline, providing that I have power. I DVR a lot shows, movies, as well as online lectures or lectures., so I save them as mp4 files on my laptop. Later, I'll be able to play them using VLC/KMP or other programs that support video files.
4k is also something that I insist on. Have you ever seen? It's incredible! I would definitely recommend. Televisions that have 4K image support feature incredible software that enhances and process the picture. The TV can transform old footage into something much better. Highly recommended for males and females!