Daily Motion contains tons of the most interesting content. There are TV shows all over the world on Daily Motion.
I'm just getting acquainted with this site, DailyMotion.com. The site has been one I've been familiar with for years. It was among the top three video sites back when video was still in its early days - Youtube. Vimeo. http://savethevideo.me Dailymotion. Have a look at it right now. The Dailymotion website is packed with of the most creative videos available online. Take a closer look at the site with me and you'll be able to agree that Daily should be among your top sites to go to every day. Yes, I have used a daily there twice just for fun.
Here's what you must be aware of while visiting Daily Motion. It is filled with live news streams. This includes everything that isn't C-Span, mainstream broadcasts of the same type. All of it will end in DailyMotion. It is home to the majority of top journalist work. I believe this indicates that they're trying to promote the political side. Periscope has gone away and Twitter has been trying to hide the streams that are political. However, their current motto Dailymotion: The place for videos mattering does not mention the political aspect of the site. Although my cat videos are funny, it is also important to methat I see reports from recent shootings and all the life matters stuff makes one consider if Daily is a site for politics.
There are numerous sports programming and shows, which don't just discuss them as well as broadcasts of every kind from around the globe. The quality of the video is typically low however they can be watched on mobile devices. When I see a great long-running broadcast, I save the video to my computer by using this online video download application. It lets me select quality options and formats for video. I save the mp4 file to my computer, and then transfer it to my mobile phone. It gives me 1.5hr of football match that I can watch on my way to work.
Dailymotion is also used extensively by major companies such as CNN, BBC and other news sites all over the Internet. They also operate their channels on the American market as well however, I think it is simpler in their case. They copy and paste clips from their live broadcasts and web streams, and add them to Youtube. After that they'll be featured present on all major networks as well as their Facebook video streams. Daily Motion is one of these networks. The CNN International's Dailymotion page Ted Cruz's image is visible. It's obvious they are laughing quite a bit. There's even a section dedicated to Billboard videos. They're from Planet Hollywood, etc. and feature new music, chart-topping tracks, and the most popular artists. You can also argue they are replicating their Youtube channels onto Daily motion.
Dailymotion is full of shows and TV series from around the world. While I'm not sure how to locate their playlists or collections of episodes from the same series, Google may be able assist me. It's the search engine. Sometimes, I'm seeking out good content. Links take me to Dailymotion pages which allow me to view episodes of India or Korea. It's amazing what content can be found at Dailymotion. Just search and search for your favorite show. Big Brother Canada It's easy to search for it on Google and see over 300 episodes that are available to stream directly through Dailymotion. This site is perfect for such situations. I have saved a few episodes and then use my smartphone to watch them on my travels. The quality of the videos isn't always ideal, but it's fantastically! I'll be at the event Daily!